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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, also known as ‘alcoholism’, 'alcoholic' or ‘alcohol use disorder’, is a condition that is characterised by drinking alcohol in excess, to the extent that your body eventually becomes dependent on alcohol in order to function on a day-to-day basis. Whilst enjoying the occasional alcoholic drink can, for many people, be a harmless pleasure, it is when alcohol consumption becomes more frequent that it can result in the development of a harmful addiction.

At Priory, we recognise that without the appropriate help, alcohol addiction can result in a whole host of long-term physical and psychological problems, and can even be fatal. However, it’s important to understand that you don’t’ have to struggle alone; alcohol addiction is treatable and our medically trained, expert addiction treatment team, consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists, are able to offer comprehensive and personalised alcohol addiction treatment at our alcohol rehab centres.

the Fact

Alcohol is the 3rd leading cause of preventable deaths in the country, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse.

Heling a
Loved One

How To Help A Loved One Enter Inpatient Rehab for Alcohol Abuse


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Each Other

Aarambh has helped hundreds of people seeking alcohol and drug treatment.

Treatment for Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol addiction is characterized as the continued use of alcohol despite problems with physical and mental health, and problems with social, family, or job responsibilities. Alcoholism is a long-term chronic and often relapsing disease. Individuals who are alcoholics cannot control how much they consume and a majority of their time is spent obtaining, consuming, or recovering from alcohol. At Aarambh Sewa Sansthan, we understand how pervasive and powerful alcohol addiction can be, so we have developed comprehensive, individualized programming that makes us a great place for a new beginning.

Helping a Loved Once

Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Alcohol Addiction
If someone you love is struggling with an alcohol addiction or alcoholism, it is likely that you are struggling with emotions such as fear, anger, shame, and self-blame. At times you may be so overwhelmed that it seems easier to ignore the problem. In the long run, however, pretending that nothing is wrong will only cause more damage to you, other family members, and your loved one.

It is important to remember that even though you are dealing with a loved one’s alcoholism and alcohol abuse, that you need to take care of yourself and get the support you need. Find someone with whom you can talk openly and honestly about the situation and how you are feeling. There are free peer-support groups such as NA / AA that you can join for families coping with alcoholism. Listening to others can be a huge source of relief and support.

Admitting there is a problem can be extremely hard and painful for not only the alcoholic, but the family as a whole. However, you are not alone. There are millions of families facing substance abuse each year. When making the decision to talk to your loved one about seeking treatment, it is important to remember a few things. You cannot force someone you love to stop abusing alcohol, the choice is up to them. You can’t expect them to stop drinking and stay sober without help. Recovery is an ongoing process that requires a lot of time and patience.

Why Consider Aarambh Rehab?

Sometimes people are not able to drink in moderation. Their drinking may spiral out of control and start to have detrimental effects on their school, work, and relationships. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it reduces the activity of the central nervous system, and excessive drinking can cause extensive damage to the mind and body. People who drink to excess can experience memory deficits, organ failure, and cardiovascular problems. Excessive drinking can also be fatal, whether in the form of an alcohol overdose, traffic death, or other accidental death.

Alcoholism can also severely disrupt other areas of one’s life, putting a strain on relationships, causing poor performance in school or work, and leading to job loss, expulsion from school, divorce, loss of child custody, and a host of other negative consequences. The power alcohol can have over a person’s life may sometimes feel too great to overcome. Fortunately, however, there are treatment options that can help a person successfully avoid the aforementioned adversities.

Additional Information

How do I know if I have an addiction to alcohol?

In alcohol treatment and rehabilitation, a commonly-used method to check whether you could be addicted to alcohol, is known as the CAGE test. This consists of four questions, which can be remembered by using the acronym ‘CAGE’:

  • 1. Have you ever felt that you should Cut down on your drinking?
  • 2. Have people ever Annoyed you by criticising your drinking habits?
  • 3. Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking habits?
  • 4. Have you ever had an Eye-opener e.g. a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves, or to get rid of a hangover?

If you find that you are answering ‘yes’ to these questions, this may be a sign that you are struggling with an alcohol addiction and could benefit from expert addiction treatment and support.

How Long Is Rehab For Alcohol?

What Happens in Alcohol Rehab?

Alcohol rehab programs may vary slightly, but the vast majority of inpatient programs provide detox treatment followed by alcohol use disorder treatment. These programs are mostly run by licensed therapists who use cognitive behavioral therapy to introduce new thought processes surrounding alcohol.

There are other therapies such as individual and family counseling or learning new practices like yoga and meditation to help effectively manage stress and anxiety. Establishing new social and other life skills help transition to a recovery program and are key to avoid relapse.