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Fitness Therapy For Addiction Treatment

Many people don’t realize it, but fitness plays a huge role in recovery from active alcoholism or drug addiction. Whether you or your loved one suffered from addiction for weeks, months, or years, oftentimes personal health gets disregarded while in the midst of substance use. Additionally, many symptoms of withdrawal can be alleviated through fitness. Post-acute withdrawal symptoms are also a concern for many people on the path to sobriety, but good fitness habits can help them deal with these issues as well.

The process of getting sober from an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be long and full of setbacks. One approach to drug rehab, holistic treatment, combines the physical, emotional, and spiritual components of recovery into one program. Rather than treating just the physical addiction, these programs will teach you or your loved one how to cope with stress and the other difficulties in life using healthy methods such as fitness and exercise. You may be surprised to discover the positive results that combined rehab and fitness can bring someone struggling with addiction.

How Is Fitness Helpful For Addiction Treatment?

When entering any type of addiction treatment, you will probably encounter some challenges along the way. At times, these challenges may seem too difficult to handle, but they usually pass with appropriate support from skilled clinicians and access to holistic therapies. Rehab fitness programs are an excellent way to feel better and stay engaged in treatment.

Upon entering treatment, you may be suffering from acute and post-acute withdrawal symptoms that cause cravings and make you more irritable, at the very least. Finally addressing your addiction and the factors for substance use can bring up a lot of uncomfortable feelings and emotions as well. A rehab fitness program can help you deal with stressful situations. For example, if you struggle with anger or anxiety, a good workout could calm your nerves and improve your mental state.

Fitness also helps with self-discipline. If you choose a fitness activity and stick with it, you are not only exercising your body, you are also giving your self-control a workout. Many people suffering with addiction lack the ability to control some of their impulses and may struggle with personal accountability. The discipline it takes to make fitness a habit can be transferred to other areas of life, making exercise and fitness excellent methods of improving your physical and emotional wellbeing. As you begin to see the positive results of participating in drug rehab and fitness sessions, your confidence to take on other challenges in your life will be built as well.

Rehab fitness programs also help you discover new outlets for your leisure time. The choices you make in your free time directly impact the success of your recovery. Think of it this way: how much of your free time was spent using or pursing your drug of choice? As you embrace a life of sobriety, you may quickly notice that the time you previously spent using is now time you have to fill with engaging, meaningful activities. Replacing the time you spent getting high with fitness activities not only improves the quality of your life, but it also does wonders for your overall health.