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Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Aarambh Sewa Sansthan has been helping to treat bipolar disorder for many years, so rest assured that we know how to reduce its impact. If you receive a bipolar diagnosis, we can help you to manage your symptoms and give you the coping skills for a more fulfilling and stable life.

Our mental health experts have an intimate knowledge of bipolar disorder in all its forms, and they understand that its symptoms can often feel overwhelming. You may feel hopeless at first, but we want to restore your hope for what lies ahead. We will help to provide clarity around your current situation, allow you to start making peace with your mental health challenges and support you in moving more confidently towards your goals.

We recognise that everyone’s situation is different, so we’ll always carry out an initial assessment before recommending the best course of action for your needs. You’ll receive a treatment plan focused on gaining the best possible outcome for you, structured within guidelines.

the Fact

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by dramatic shifts in mood and behavior.

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Loved One

How To Help A Loved One Enter Inpatient Rehab for Bipolar disorder Treatment


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Bipolar Facts

People can experience symptoms of mania and depression at the same time.

Signs that you may need bipolar disorder treatment with Aarambh

You don’t need to feel alone. Bipolar disorder is a relatively common mental health condition, which around 1 in 100 people will be diagnosed with. We can help you to understand what you are going through, by addressing your specific, unique symptoms.

Previously known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme mood swings. These can range from excessive energetic highs, known as mania, to the extreme lows of depression. Episodes of these can last for anywhere between several weeks and several months.

You may be wondering how to spot the signs of bipolar disorder. Here are some key symptoms of both depressive and manic episodes, which demonstrate the condition’s contrasts:

  • Feelings of extreme sadness and unhappiness
  • Losing interest in activities you previously enjoyed
  • Low self-esteem
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Changes in appetite
  • Feelings of exhaustion
  • Increased energy and desire to be active
  • Racing thoughts and talking quickly
  • Not needing as much sleep
  • Unrealistic beliefs about your own abilities

Some people experience only a handful of bipolar episodes during their lifetime; others go through many episodes. While bipolar disorder can be diagnosed at any age, you will most likely have experienced symptoms during your teens. Bipolar disorder is rarely diagnosed in middle age or later life.

Every person is different, so we will work with you to create a treatment programme completely personalised to your needs. Our team are committed to ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome from our support.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Individuals with bipolar disorder, whether it’s Bipolar I, Bipolar II, or Cyclothymic Disorder, experience far more intense mood swings. These mood swings can range from depression to mania and cause many problems in your personal and professional life. You may be unable to get out of bed for days, but then wake up feeling as though you can do anything in the world. It is this pattern of mania and depression that can lead to intense interpersonal problems. These extremes in emotions can lead to a large amount of chaos and distress for people affected by bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is treatable, but it can be hard to identify the warning signs and get the help you need. Recognizing the problem is the first step toward effective recovery.

While successful recovery from bipolar disorder doesn’t happen immediately, with the right support and treatment plan you can get better. At our treatment center, we’re dedicated to providing you with a safe and supportive setting as you learn about your disorder and how to more effectively cope with your symptoms.

Why consider Aarambh Sewa Sansthan

Bipolar disorder is a very serious and often progressive illness that can cause many problems for those affected by it. People who are depressed may feel hollow and worthless and unable to get out of bed each morning, while a person feeling manic may decide on a whim to quit their job and move across the country. The severity of emotions can affect every facet of your life. You may have a history of unstable relationships with other people, you may be unable to hold down a steady job, or you may end up in trouble with the law.

It is very normal to feel frightened and unsure about entering seeking care at a psychiatric treatment center; however, from the moment you walk through our doors at Aarambh Sewa Sansthan, we will work hard to make sure you feel safe and supported. Using a combination of treatments, our dedicated staff will work with you to set you at ease and teach you the valuable skills needed to live a full and manageable life.

Additional Information

What causes bipolar disorder?

While the precise cause of bipolar disorder is not yet known, there are several psychological, biological and social factors which can play a role in the condition developing and progressing.

If a member of your immediate family has bipolar disorder, then you are five to ten times more likely to develop the condition than someone with no family history of bipolar. While this suggests there is a link between family history and developing mood disorders such as bipolar, it doesn’t mean that this is the only cause.

It is important to understand that only 8% of children who have parents with bipolar disorder develop it themselves. This means, therefore, that 92% do not develop the condition. There is an analogy which helps to visualise the statistics, as follows:

(If you put 100 children with one parent who has bipolar disorder in one room, and 100 children without a parent with bipolar disorder in another room, eight of those in the first room would develop bipolar disorder, while only one of those in the second room would.)

Brain chemicals
When you have bipolar disorder, you are believed to have an uneven balance of chemicals which regulate mood and behaviour in your brain. Studies have indicated that brain chemistry and bipolar disorder are linked, with social and stress influences during your life thought to play a part in affecting your brain’s ability to maintain mood effectively.

Environmental factors
If you have bipolar disorder, you may be able to trace the start of an episode back to a particularly stressful period in your life. Stressful events alone may not be enough to trigger the condition. However, when something traumatic happens in your life and it is combined with pre-existing genetic and chemical imbalances, this is likely to contribute to bipolar disorder developing.